Behind the Beats: An Exclusive Interview with The JacKMan


Are you ready to get your groove on? We have a treat for you! Today, we’re going behind the beats and sitting down with none other than The JacKMan.

How did you begin with music and djing?

Several years ago, I participated in electronic music festivals and took courses at a school for music professionals.

With which labels and artists have you worked on?

Alveda Music is my first label, and I have also signed a track with Statesoundscapes.

Any new releases?

My next release, titled “Face to Universe,” is coming out this month on the 29th under Alveda Music.

In the studio, what’s your set-up?

I use Ableton Live on my iMac computer, with 8″ Mackie monitors, a 2-channel Seinberg interface, and a series of controllers such as the Ableton Push, Novation Ultranova, Novation Launchkey 49, Arturia MiniLab, Axiom Mini Air M-Audio, and an Arturia Microfreak synthesizer.

What do you think sets DJing apart from other performing arts?

Being able to convey your energy and feelings through your music or selection of music on a stage for thousands of people is what sets being a DJ apart from other performance and performing arts.

How has your musical taste evolved over the years?

My music has changed a lot since I started with genres like Psytrance. Now, I produce Tech Trance and am always working to get better.

What is your favorite djing experience?

I had the opportunity to open a major festival on a very professional stage in front of thousands of people.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy exercising at the gym and playing with my young son.

What’s been your biggest challenge as a DJ and music producer?

My goal is to keep improving my productions and reach a high level to become one of the best in the scene.

What advice would you give to another DJ and music producer starting out in their career?

I believe in always seeking to improve and staying true to my style, even if I have to experiment with different genres. I will always pursue my dreams

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